+31 (0)85 06 044 05

Cleaning after Calamity | Recovery | Protection | Disinfection


Calamities services

24 hours
Remediation | Fire damage
Leaks | Final recovery

Odor removal

Fire damage | Smoking areas
After moving
Vehicles | Houses

Disinfectant water

Less Chemical cleaning and disinfection - Activated water
HClO | O3 | H2O2

Healthy buildings

Disinfection and cleaning of furniture and carpets
Filtering of Air

Extreme pollution | Calamity | Recovery

|Cleaning and neutralizing dirt that is difficult to remove
|Water, smoke and fire damage
|Cleaning oil and oil stains on/from concrete
|Remediation of oil and fuels in the ground
|Rust stains and battery acid on concrete
|Glues and bitumen
|Impregnations and protection
|Organic pollution and fungi
|Desinfecteren van Ruimtes – Noro virus, Corona, etc.
|Permanently disinfecting TiO2 coatings
|Complete stripping and cleaning of buildings with or without disinfection round
|Coating, impregnation and protection of floors and facades

Request a non-binding account and Exinfect takes care of everything!
Your benefits:
Online registration of assignments | Complete processing | Price agreement | Short lines of communication | Guidance and advice.

 Proud to work for and with:

Boels Exinfect klant
Wijnen Exinfect klant
AD HOC Exinfect klant
Cirrec Exinfect klant
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Logo Cirrec

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Solutions Dilution Tool
Mold in your home
Mold in your home
Measuring is knowing
Disinfection of toilets
Cleaning vs Disinfection
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