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Solutions Dilution Tool

Do you also find it annoying or difficult to dilute a solution with a certain percentage of active ingredient to a lower percentage? A 50% dilution will work. But sometimes it is necessary to go from 15% to 8.2%, then it becomes a bit more difficult.

 The formula

Of course there is a formula to find the right ratio:

from 15% to 8.2%

15% = 15 parts of 100 = Start Solution
You want 8.2% = 8.2 parts out of 100 = Final solution
8,2/15 = 0,546%
So of the (new) 100, 55% must be 15%

If 1 liter has to be made, this is still manageable… but if it has to be 7.3 liters, it becomes less fun. 

 Solutions Dilution Tool

It is not strange for us to receive questions about how to dilute a product and how to get from 12.5% to a solution that only contains 10 mg/l or a certain amount of ppm of active ingredient.
We have devised a simple but very handy Tool for this. The Tool displays the following data:
> % | gr/l | mg/l | ppm | l | ml <

The Tool asks to enter 3 data and everything else is calculated automatically:
1) Percentage Start/Basic Product
2) Desired percentage / Use solution
3) Desired amount of use solution (amount of liters to be produced)

The Tool is free to use for everyone. Do you find it useful yourself? Share it on your channels so others can use it too. we appreciate!

Keep in mind that you are and will remain responsible if you decide to use this tool. For liquids with a different specific gravity (much heavier than water) such as phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid, the gr/l, mg/l and ppm will no longer be displayed correctly (disclaimer!). The required amount (ml / l) will indicate the correct value.

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Measuring is knowing

meten is weten


Is something clean because it doesn't look dirty?
At a time when viruses, fungi and resistant bacteria turn out to be solid enemies, we know better.
Not everything that seems clean turns out to be really clean… It can even be so polluted that we can become seriously ill and, in the worst case, die.

Hoe weet je dan of iets schoon genoeg is, als je het niet met je ogen kan onderscheiden? Het antwoord is: “METEN IS WETEN!”.

Exinfect helps with measuring!
We measure the RLU value with an ATP Luminometer. A mouthful to say that we can detect the presence of living microbiological organisms and express it in a value.

These values can provide insight into the effectiveness of your cleaning or disinfection. It helps to implement, maintain and control a particular standard. But more importantly, it helps in providing a safe environment for employees, visitors and customers.

Do you want to do a check measurement with regard to your cleaning? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you.
Would you rather do the measurements yourself? Which can! The ATP Detector is for sale in our webshop.

atp detector

Team Exinfect®

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Disinfection of toilets | Important chain!


According to the RIVM, (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) the general rule of thumb for transmitting Covid-19 after infection is:If you have no complaints (fever, cough, cold) for 24 hours, and it is a week after you became ill, you can at least no longer infect other people. ”

It is important to note, however, that several studies currently indicate a longer presence of the Covid-19 virus in the intestines of the infected. A study by the Amsterdam UMC | AMC shows that after the virus has disappeared from the throat and nose, the Covid-19 virus remains in the feces of the test subjects for quite some time. 
The publication can be found here:

What does this mean?
When someone is no longer considered contagious, that person's feces (and urine!) may contain the Covid-19 virus, which can be transmitted to others, for weeks to come. Toilets are known to have a high risk of transmitting viruses and other pathogens.
This knowledge gives extra weight to the importance of keeping (public) toilets continuously disinfected.

Provide a healthy environment for your family, employees, customers and visitors. Clean and disinfected toilet units certainly contribute to this.
Exinfect is the partner for realizing healthy buildings and minimizing risks related to contamination with viruses. 

Do you want to know more? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist you.

Team Exinfect®

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Cleaning vs Disinfection


When something has been cleaned it looks neat and this generally makes us feel safer with regard to our health. We also easily link the quality of a restaurant to its optical cleanliness, for example. And that's a good thing, because dirt is obviously not good. But it is important to understand that if something looks clean, it does not mean that there are no pathogens on it.
In this article we therefore briefly mention the definitions of Cleaning (cleaning) and Disinfection.

The thorough removal of contamination with, for example, water, brushes and cleaning agents. There is also dry cleaning such as vacuuming and dusting. The goal is to ensure that no breeding ground or an inviting environment for pathogens (disease makers) will arise. While cleaning can certainly help reduce pathogens, it remains a superficial agent and does not completely eliminate pathogens. Some cleaning agents that are used in the cleaning process:
- Detergent
- Surface cleaners
- Glass cleaners

Om van desinfectie te kunnen spreken moet er een eliminatie plaatsvinden van 99,9% van pathogenen. Om desinfectie te realiseren is het wel nodig dat het oppervlak schoon en gereinigd is. Het desinfecterend medium moet overal goed bij kunnen om zo pathogenen te elimineren, bij veel aanwezige vervuiling is dit niet goed mogelijk. Waar reinigen zich afspeelt op het niveau van zichtbaar vuil, neutraliseert de desinfectie virussen, bacteriën, schimmel en sporen. Enkele desinfectiemethoden zijn:
– Chlorine / Hypochlorite
- Ozone
- UVC light
- Hydrogen peroxide
– Alcohol
– Plasma

In addition to cleaning and disinfection, there is also the possibility to sterilize. Sterilization guarantees that 100% of all pathogens are eliminated. This is necessary, for example, to prepare surgical tools for the next round of use.

Do you want to know more? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist you.

Team Exinfect®