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Measuring is knowing

meten is weten


Is something clean because it doesn't look dirty?
At a time when viruses, fungi and resistant bacteria turn out to be solid enemies, we know better.
Not everything that seems clean turns out to be really clean… It can even be so polluted that we can become seriously ill and, in the worst case, die.

How do you know if something is clean enough if you can't distinguish it with your eyes? The answer is: “MEASURING IS KNOWING!”.

Exinfect helps with measuring!
We measure the RLU value with an ATP Luminometer. A mouthful to say that we can detect the presence of living microbiological organisms and express it in a value.

These values can provide insight into the effectiveness of your cleaning or disinfection. It helps to implement, maintain and control a particular standard. But more importantly, it helps in providing a safe environment for employees, visitors and customers.

Do you want to do a check measurement with regard to your cleaning? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you.
Would you rather do the measurements yourself? Which can! The ATP Detector is for sale in our webshop.

atp detector

Team Exinfect®

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