When something has been cleaned it looks neat and this generally makes us feel safer with regard to our health. We also easily link the quality of a restaurant to its optical cleanliness, for example. And that's a good thing, because dirt is obviously not good. But it is important to understand that if something looks clean, it does not mean that there are no pathogens on it.
In this article we therefore briefly mention the definitions of Cleaning (cleaning) and Disinfection.
The thorough removal of contamination with, for example, water, brushes and cleaning agents. There is also dry cleaning such as vacuuming and dusting. The goal is to ensure that no breeding ground or an inviting environment for pathogens (disease makers) will arise. While cleaning can certainly help reduce pathogens, it remains a superficial agent and does not completely eliminate pathogens. Some cleaning agents that are used in the cleaning process:
- Detergent
- Surface cleaners
- Glass cleaners
Om van desinfectie te kunnen spreken moet er een eliminatie plaatsvinden van 99,9% van pathogenen. Om desinfectie te realiseren is het wel nodig dat het oppervlak schoon en gereinigd is. Het desinfecterend medium moet overal goed bij kunnen om zo pathogenen te elimineren, bij veel aanwezige vervuiling is dit niet goed mogelijk. Waar reinigen zich afspeelt op het niveau van zichtbaar vuil, neutraliseert de desinfectie virussen, bacteriën, schimmel en sporen. Enkele desinfectiemethoden zijn:
– Chlorine / Hypochlorite
- Ozone
- UVC light
- Hydrogen peroxide
– Alcohol
– Plasma
In addition to cleaning and disinfection, there is also the possibility to sterilize. Sterilization guarantees that 100% of all pathogens are eliminated. This is necessary, for example, to prepare surgical tools for the next round of use.
Do you want to know more? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist you.
Team Exinfect®