What is mold?
Molds are Fungi, a life form that can be single or multicellular. Fungus (mushrooms) is not a vegetable life form, as is often thought. Most fungi play an important role in the breakdown of dead plant and animal material.
Er zijn schimmels die niet schadelijk en gunstig is voor de mens en soms zelf dient als voedsel. In dit artikel belichten we specifieker de ongezonde schimmel die in vochtige gebouwen kan ontstaan. Kenmerkend aan schimmel is dat het goed gedijt in een specifiek spectrum van luchtvochtigheid en temperatuur. Voor de meeste fungi, temperatures between 4 and 40 ˚C and a relative moisture content in the air of 70 to 100% is optimal. The more humid the air or material, the faster most fungi will grow. In most cases, mold is visible on ceilings and walls of rooms that are too damp, as dark spots. But mold can also be present in places where it is not visible, such as behind wallpaper, in the cavity wall, on insulation material or in crawl spaces in homes.
What is the effect of mold in your home?
Eén ding is zeker! Wanneer u schimmel in de woning heeft, betekent dit dat op die plaatsen de woning (muur/plafond/vloer) te vochtig is. De ideale relatieve luchtvochtigheid in een woning bij 20˚C ligt tussen de 30-70%. Ligt de relatieve luchtvochtigheid daarboven dan spreken we van een vochtige woning. Wanneer we schimmel in de woning zien, dan weten we dat de relatieve luchtvochtigheid tegen de 70% is of daar boven. Een te vochtige binnenklimaat zorgt voor hogere stookkosten, omdat het meer energie kost om vochtige lucht te verwarmen dan drogere lucht. Schimmel verhoogt ook de onderhoudskosten van de woning, door vaker te moeten verven of stucwerk/behang te moeten vervangen. Ook is er vaak een muffe geur aanwezig in een woning met schimmel.
In addition to these cosmetic inconveniences, there is also an important harmful effect on health. Fungi propagate by releasing tiny spores that can float in the air. These spores can cause various (allergic) health complaints, especially to children and people with lung and respiratory complaints. (We note that too dry air in the home can also cause health problems)
Why does cleaning usually only help temporarily?
The fungal spores are well-protected "capsules", which can even lie dormant for centuries until the favorable situation arises for fertilization and growth. The protection is so good that it provides some protection against chemicals and the spores can even acquire a certain degree of resistance. So there is a good chance that when cleaning with a cleaning agent, mold spores will always survive, waiting for the favorable situation to become active again. That is why cleaning must be done accurately, systematically and with the right resources.
What is the solution?
Although cleaning is of course the first step, reducing the moisture content to 55% is the way to get rid of mold and achieve a healthy indoor climate. This can be done by:
> Goede en voldoende ventilatie
> Aanpassing bewonersgedrag (een huishouden geeft gemiddeld 10L vocht, per etmaal, af aan de lucht in de woning)
> Repareren van lekkende leidingen of condensvorming
> Waterdichte gevel en dak
> Geen optrekkend vocht in de gevel en vloeren
> Droge kelders en kruipruimtes
Air Change Guidelines
> Verblijfruimtes 0,9 dm³/s per m² > 3,24 m³/h per m² > met een minimale waarde van 25 m³/h
> Toiletruimtes 7 dm³/s > 25,2 m³/h
> Badruimtes 14 dm³/s > 50,4 m³/h
> Verblijfsruimte met kooktoestel 21 dm³/s > 75,6 m³/h
As periodic maintenance to keep mold away, an environmentally friendly agent such as Sodium bicarbonate and/or cleaning vinegar solution being used. This is much better for nature and your health than extremely chemical and dangerous agents. PAY ATTENTION! Cleaning vinegar can also irritate the eyes and the respiratory tract. Provide adequate ventilation by opening windows and doors.
However, if the mold has had the opportunity to settle in the subsurface for a long time, a more professional approach is desirable (or even necessary).
Exinfect repairs leaks, cleans, repairs, investigates where necessary, takes measurements and makes adjustments to the home, both inside and outside.
Do you want to know more? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist you.
Team Exinfect®