ATP Detector | Measuring device

1.165,00 excl. VAT

ATP Detector | Measuring device
Detects microorganisms such as bacteria and displays their presence in RLU values.
Field of application: Restaurants | Schools | Hospitals | Hotels | Homes | Food Processing Companies | Cleaning companies
Comes with charger, USB with software, data link cable, aluminum storage case, EN and NL manual for using the device and performing a test.

SKU: ATP-Detector_e Category: Tags: , ,


ATP Detector: Professional measuring device to indicate the presence of bacteria and microbiological organisms in a value. ATP is a substance found in living cells. The ATP Detector shows a correlation between the outcome of the measurement and the presence of living microorganisms/bacteria such as: E.Coli, Entero, Coliforms, etc.

  • Shows presence of bacteria on surfaces and in water.
  • Lower and upper limits can be set to obtain an acceptable and safe margin
  • Can be used in the cleaning industry, restaurants, offices, schools, nurseries, GP posts, hospitals and homes.
  • Calibrates automatically when the ATP Detector is turned on.
  • The ATP Detector measurement displays the test result in an RLU value (relative light units) within 15 seconds

Usage: Na het aandoen van de ATP Detector kalibreert deze automatisch. Haal een “Snap-Swab”* uit de houder om ongeveer 10 cm² van het te testen oppervlak goed, kruislings, al draaiend, af te nemen. Plaats de Swab terug in de houder en duw 2x het bovenste gedeelte van de Snap-Swab (vloeistofreservoir) om tot deze knapt. Pomp het vloeistofreservoir leeg door in deze 3x te knijpen. Schud de Snap-Swab 5x  op en neer. Doe de Snap-Swab in de ATP detector, sluit het deksel en voer de meting uit. De meting wordt binnen 15 seconden uitgevoerd en geeft u de RLU waarde. Doe metingen vóór en na reinigingsrondes om zo de effectiviteit van de reiniging te kunnen waarborgen en controleren.
*Snap-Swabs are sold separately / There are Snap-Swabs to test surfaces and test water, they are different from each other.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 25 × 18 × 12 cm


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